Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Society of Archivists’ conference

University of York
26th – 29th August 2008

This year members of the SOAS executive group are manning a stall at the Society of Archivist’s conference. If you are attending the conference please come along and visit the stall. Information about archive services in the region will be available along with details about SOAS’s activities. Members of the executive group will be on hand to answer questions and/or to discuss ideas for future SOAS developments. More information on the conference is available online.

SOAS Meetings

The last Society of Archivists Scotland regional meeting was held on Tuesday 13th May 2008 at North Lanarkshire Archives in Motherwell. Attendees enjoyed a tour of Motherwell's Heritage Centre, including a visit up the centre's tower to admire views of Lanarkshire. Before the business meeting a lively and interesting discussion was held on Scottish archives and the role the Society of Archivists in Scotland. Issues addressed during this discussion have since been raised by the SOAS chair at a meeting with the Keeper of the Records of Scotland. This has resulted in SOAS working together with the SCA and the NAS to organize a discussion forum on specific aspects of legislation that the NAS has been tasked with reviewing, in light of recommendations from the Shaw Report.

Our next meeting will be held on 30th September 2008 at Old College, Playfair Library, University of Edinburgh. It will be joint meeting with the Records Management Society Scotland Group and will include training relating to the common issues of standards and digital preservation, emphasising how archivists and records managers can work together on these issues. It's hoped the day will provide an opportunity for members of both groups to share their experiences and make new contacts. For more details see the SOAS web pages.
Image of Motherwell Heritage Centre (c) 2008 Kenneth Cleland