Tuesday, 21 December 2010

ARA(S) Update

ARA Scotland meeting 8 December

In spite of the weather conditions the ARA Scotland meeting on the 8th December at the Centre for Research Collections went ahead.

The meeting was held at the Centre for Research Collections at Edinburgh University Library. The Centre houses the University’s Archives and Special Collections and also the Lothian Health Service Archive. Grant Buttars, Deputy University Archivist gave us a tour of the fantastic new facilities - something to be envious of! We were shown research areas and behind the scenes - in particular a seminar room with a view into the stores to allow staff to show case treasures to visitors and provide materials for teaching.

The rest of the afternoon included an advocacy discussion where members benefited from sharing experiences of work they had been involved in. Jenny Hunt from the National Archives of Scotland also gave us an update on the progress of the Public Records (Scotland) Bill. This was followed by the business meeting.

Many thanks to Arnott, Kirsty and Grant for hosting and providing lunch and tours!

Please look out for emails with details of our next meeting which will be a joint training event with RMS Scotland.
Best wishes
Juline Baird